YOU HAVE TO GROW - Don't be the ultimate loser

"And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men." Luke 2:52

"Everything you see standing today, was once on the floor, only time and hands; made it stand!" Francis Ekwemeze

Stop! being in haste, young person. life is in turn and in stages - you need to grow. Why are you in a hurry? The people you desire to be like, were like you yesterday. The only difference is that they grew, and you will grow. The adults you see, have paid their own price to be where they are today. If you pay your price you get where they are and even surpass them. 

If you are in doubt, hear this, Jesus grew (Luke 2:52), John grew (Luke 1:80), Samuel grew (1Samuel 2:26) and Moses grew (Exodus 2:9,11) Your parents grew, your teachers grew, your pastor grew, so why is it a big deal for you to wait and grow.

But instead you are in a hurry, you wants your tomorrow, today.  Your are ready to fast track everything. You want to live like adults and do all adults do, not knowing that, there is a best time to grow. Now is your time to grow are you growing?

Are you growing physically? _ do you take healthy meals that will help you build a healthy body. Do you stay away from unhealthy and harmful substances that can destroy you.

Are you growing spiritually? _ do you make out time to study your Bible, read books, listen to messages, pray and attend Christian gatherings.

Are you growing intellectually? - are you better than you were yesterday, intellectually. According to World Bank " a lot of schooling is going on without much learning". This is as result of several factors, but one of them is an unmotivated and unready to learn children, who prefer to cheat than to learn. Be versatile in your reading. Ask questions, seek answers.

Are you growing socially? - how do you relate with people? You ought to be better in your interactions with people and things around you. Have you been able to establish and build meaningful relationships, with people who will help shape your life.

Are you growing emotionally? - Where are you emotionally? are you still where you were yesterday. You should be growing in the way you handle your emotions vis-a-vis how you relate with people.

Growth is inevitable, if you would live in your future, because that is the process upon which your potential is fulfilled and made manifest - and its rewards are lasting and permanent.

As one of the students said in the Path Project Save the Future Seminar ''growth is an irreversible increase in size" 

It is one of the crucial characteristics of living things.

Refuse to allow some unscrupulous elements in the society to help you jump your growth process because at the end, you will be the ultimate loser.

Culled from Path Project Save the Future Academic Seminar Topic delivered by Ekwemeze Francis Chimeremeze at Assemblies of God Church,  Awka-etiti, Anambra state, Nigeria.
