How to help your children realize their full potential

Parenting is about helping the child to become a valuable member in his or her family and community.
• Creating a healthy and safe environment is essential. Our relationships with our children are essential.
• Mothers and fathers are important, and so are others who help to take care of children – aunties, uncles, 
grandparents, neighbors.
• Parenting begins during pregnancy and continues all through adulthood. 
• Parenting responsibilities include: 
• Building a loving and caring relationship with your child.
• Discovering who your child is and supporting his/her individuality.
• Providing for basic needs like feeding, education and protection. 
• Providing a safe and healthy environment.
• Parents are a very important influence in the child’s life.

Better Parenting goes beyond meeting basic needs. It means 
that you will: 

• Know your children well, and strive for a close relationship with 
• Provide love, support and encouragement at all times. 
• Be respectful and trust them as much as possible. 
• Understand that each child is different and unique. 
• Set appropriate limits and rules for behaviour 
• Discipline your children in positive ways and without physical 
• Understand and accept that your children change as they grow 
• Be good role models for your children. 
• Create the environment for children’s potential to find expression, 
while also keeping them safe and protected.
