Wealth or money is spiritual.You can't get it big, without showing loyalty to either God or the devil.Your commitment in advancing either the Kingdom of God or the kingdom of darkness, must be tested and your loyalty proven, before the treasury of either kingdoms can be fully unlocked for your use, and the authorization and access code given to you.

 The devil's verification is usually easier than that of God, because he is just after endorsements. He is dreaming of having more endorsement than God. That's why it seems devil is faster than God in rewarding people, because it is fake. It's a ponzi scheme that will collapse someday. The more it pays, the more people join; not knowing it was built to collapse. God's blessings comes gradually, but it is more enduring, satisfying, fulfilling with peace of mind. So be patient but make sure you are sowing the right seeds.

Nobody can hoodwink God to get into His riches in glory.God demands for obedience, righteous living, your tithes, offerings and services; given willingly and sincerely for the advancement of His kingdom.Once you have done the needful, your riches will be activated; except you at fault or you are missing something.

Again, you can't serve both God and money. They are mutually exclusive. Money is the root of all evil and the devil the prince of evil. When you love money, you do things against God, the society, and humanity to get it. In fact today, evil pays faster. The devil is daily spreading evil through people's quest for wealth and materialism. Don't be a victim.

(Deut.18, Matth.6:24-34, 1Tim.6:3-10)


Francis onwochei said…
It's always comes down to one Life there is always a price...and also we should know that not all gifts are from the Lord and those from the Lord are the best.