Children's day; more than a celebration.

 It IIt's Children's day again. It's always a day of glee, outings, gatherings and merrying especially for the children. By children I mean those under 18 ( made this emphasis for those overgrown babies who refer to themselves as children on children's day including we celebrate our children on this special day and treat them to delightful dishes and confectioneries, it is so much more important that we give them the attention they so much crave for and deserve.  Teach them the necessary things such as sex education. There's nothing shameful in teaching your children the basic things about sex. Let the girls know about menstruation so they don't get confused and scared when they see their first flow. Guide them on the basics of sex, you don't need to go deep or into details. Let them know that sex is sacred and should be practiced only in marriage. Let them know that sex can lead to unwanted pregnancy. Teach them how to calculate their cycle, how to deal with their PMS, how to engage in natural birth control. Each stage has its necessary details. Teach the boys about wet dreams, the biological make-up of their bodies and how to handle sexual urges. Mothers talk to your daughters. Fathers talk to your sons. Ask for guidance if you don't know how to. If you don't teach them, the society will gladly do that for you. Just like the Igbos say, whoever does not lick his mouth will have the harmattan lick it for him. Happy Children's day to all the children of all races, colours and ages. May your angels continually be by your side.
