You missed your period. Well it might just be late this time around, lazy thing, what could be keeping it? Days turn into weeks and then it dawns on you that it just might be on holiday. As if to drive home the nudging point, you start feeling nauseous, unusually tired and your breasts get sore.

On your way back from work, you stop by a pharmacy and pick up a test strip. You hurry home curious to confirm or rebut the nibbling signs. You follow the instructions on the product and then wait for a few minutes which really really felt like eternity. Then you look at it, heart beating rapidly, eyes wide open and right there!, there it is… two conspicuous, unmistakable lines. You’re pregnant!!  You can barely contain the rushing exhilarating feeling of pure unadulterated joy. Hahaha… you can’t wait to break the news to Boo. He would be so excited. Tears well up in your eyes. Tears of gratitude. Tears of warmth, of wonder. Tears of joy.

Finally! Boo is back from work. It takes every fiber of the self-control sector of your being not to scream it at the door.  And so after dinner, you break the news and relish the sight of  bulging eyes and sound of  crazy shouts and laughter that erupts thereafter. Indeed God is good, you beam.

Fast forward to nine months; your new bundle of joy has finally arrived. An angel sent with love and light. You look down at the squirming little being bundled up in your arms, so perfect, so fragile, so vulnerable. Your heart melts a 100degrees Fahrenheit. She will always be daddy’s little princess and mummy’s joy. She’s way too perfect to be tainted.

She grows up to be just like her father. A complete entire container load of liveliness. Rapturous laughter, contagious joy, exquisite demeanour, so innocent, trusting and full of hopes… completely awesome!

Boom! You jolt back to present reality, scalding tears of anguish rolling down your cheeks. Your little princess, your untainted jewel has been defiled through the vilest unimaginable means. How could Dare have done this? How could he? How couldn’t you have noticed? You remember that this vile escapade of your brother-in-law had lasted for five months right under your roof, your nose and you wince. She’s just five for heaven’s sake… just five. You hear a deep wrenching, miserable moan and realized it came from you.

The tell-tale signs now flash before your eyes like some persistent impertinent demon took it upon himself to play them on a huge screen for your delightful viewing pleasure. 

Lily, your baby had suddenly become withdrawn. Her usual lively self had transformed to a shadowy, cringing, sober and melancholic being. You had paid as little attention to it as you gave the beggar that sat at the corner of your street… just a fleeting thought and nothing more. 

She had started bedwetting again and you even shouted at her once for being such a slow child. 

She had suddenly developed a deep dislike for akamu (pap) which was before then her favourite… not until recently did you discover that it was due to the disturbing image of Dare’s sperm on your baby’s mind. 

Ah, yes! While watching ‘The Avengers’ the other day, she had exclaimed, “I wish I am strong like Hulk so I can beat Uncle Dare up. You and Boo had just laughed over it absolutely amused… that was all. You laughed over it. You laughed while your baby lived a nightmare.

Her grades in school had dropped drastically. She used to be such a wonder girl.

What could have so preoccupied your mind and taken the place of your little treasure. You have failed her. You have broken your promise. Now the bright rays of sunshine that once filled your life has been rudely replaced by gloom and doom. Your baby girl’s innocence has been so vilely stolen. Would you ever forgive yourself? 

You wish you could afford to push the hands of time backwards. Oh you would give anything to do that. Anything, up to your very life.







 _Grace Ekwemeze_
