Though I am still single but I want to emphasize this truth as I celebrate all the men of Assemblies of God Nigeria, especially my Dad- Rev. F.U Ekwemeze on their day.

If we believe that God created Adam in His image and likeness and we agreed that we do not worship male and female God, but one whole and Complete God. It is then unlikely for us to dispute the fact that Adam was created whole and complete like God, without male and female separation or dichotomy. 

Though for the animals, God made them male and female but for Adam all the qualities of male and female was deposited in him. This goes to show that God is not ignorant that Adam will need a companion but I believe God deliberately allowed this circumstance, so that Adam can feel lonely and help him to understand the need for a companion, value and appreciate it.

 At the right time God declared that it is not good for man to be alone and Adam also searched through the animals; that have their own companions, and found no suitable helper. At this point, Adam acknowledged his loneliness and desired a solution. God seeing that Adam was ready for a companion, took out a rib from him and formed it into a woman. The rib represents a nature, a personality, or an ability. So a nature, a personality or an ability existing in Adam was removed and constituted into a woman. That is (Old Adam-Eve = New Adam) also ( New Adam +Eve =Old Adam). God did not create a new person but divided the person already created into two. So all the features that you see in a woman today was ab initio in a man. So Adam that was complete initially, became incomplete while Eve was formed incomplete. So Eve was formed not created, because she was already created in Adam but was formed separate from Adam. To form mean to give a form or shape.A part of Adam was given shape in Eve, so God reduced Adam by Eve. (Genesis 2:23) The man said, "This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called 'woman,' for she was taken out of man."That is why the Bible says in Genesis 2:24 "For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh."  The word "United" indicates that an initial union was lost. Two people that should be together were separated, and marriage unites them back.

 Adam lost the woman in him and Eve had no man in her.The new Adam and Eve were incomplete, hence every Eve is looking for her new Adam and every new Adam is in search of her Eve. When both come together, they will produce a new life. Life here doesn't only mean children but life in all ramification. The children are tangible representation of the intangible blessings in marriage. So the Bible says in Proverbs 18:22 "Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, And obtaineth favour of the LORD" A blessing that won't be obtained while single.So each marriage is supposed to complete the couple and in their completeness, they will add positively to the society because the Lord will bless the society through their union and interaction. So the intention of God is that two will become one; the same way we have three in one God working in unity as God we will have two in one human dominating the earth for God.
Hence the attack on the marriage institution by the devil. If the marriages are not gotten right, it will continue to rob negatively on the society. The children of the union won't be properly raised, the love and affection that should emanate from complete individuals may become hatred and bitterness, which will bring frustration upon the society instead of blessings. May the blessings that follow marriages, be witnessed in our homes and society. In Jesus name Amen!
