Are Christian parents today really committed to securing the eternal future of their children?

I don't know what may be your answer to the above question but I believe that God through this material will help you realize the need to help your children make heaven their topmost  priority.

This  question dropped into my heart on the morning of Sunday, 7th April,2024, exactly one year my lovely father went to be with the Lord. When this question came to me, I started evaluating my commitment towards helping my two children make heaven. I realized that one of the major factors that molded my siblings and I into committed believers today, was the high level of commitment our parents, Late Rev. Francis U. Ekwemeze and Mummy Joy Ekwemeze put into securing our eternal future with God. We saw and learnt from them that what matters most in our lives is how healthy our relationship with God is and that while we pursue earthly relevance through academics, marriage, occupation, human network, we must ensure that we hold God tightly like Abraham, Joseph, Moses and Daniel. We learnt from our parents the need to, like Jesus, not to allow the beauty, splendor and the pleasures of this world distract us and deceive us into dropping Jesus by the way. Our parents made us realize that Adam and Eve regretted their decision to gratify their lust and pursue knowledge and wisdom outside of God's instructions. That Lot and his family regretted their affiliation with Sodom and Gomorrah in their search for greener pastures.

This question in consideration, made me realize how sacrosanct the need is, to trust God to release His wisdom to my wife and I every day in order for us to provide the right influence and training for our children and ensure they pursue God first above all else. Above money, affluence, wealth, knowledge, positions, academics, jobs, titles, power, beauty etc. The Bible says in Matt.6.33, “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” (KJV). I believe the things mentioned above are included.

I don't know how many Christian parents are determined to teach and influence their children from cradle, to put God first not only by mouth or words but also by conduct and actions. Christian parents must realize that this understanding should be rooted in every child before they get to adulthood. They  need to know very early that they cannot give anything in exchange for their soul. That though they gain the whole world, but do not have God in their lives,  they are nothing. God first above all else, "In the beginning God" and He must remain first in our lives and that of our children. Christian parents must be ready to provide a shield for their children as they face the wind of distractions and pleasures from Egypt, Babylon, Sodom and Gomorrah. This leads me to ask the question again; How many  Christian parents are sincerely committed to raising heavenly candidates or are we after ensuring they have a comfortable life and are well placed  on Earth first before any other thing? The Earth where they will not live forever? May God have mercy on us!

You should not make the mistake of thinking that ensuring your children are heavenly minded and are committed to their Christian growth will make them earthly useless. Such idea or proposition is from the pit of hell. If God is with your children, who can be against them? If God chooses to lift them up who can bring them down? The scriptures and even our contemporary world is filled with persons whose commitment to God brought greatness. Therefore, I am not against Christian parents ensuring their children are earthly relevant. But they should not do that at the expense of the kingdom of God. Christian parents should raise their children to make heaven and reach their full potential on Earth. We must be sincere and honest in our reflections on our commitment as Christian parents to securing the eternal future of our children.

 Today, we have realized that many parents have been caught in the web of busyness sponsored by the devil to keep people away from God and their families. As a partial fulfilment for the award of National Diploma in Theology from Assemblies of God School of Divinity School, some researchers and I carried out a study on the topic : EVALUATION OF PARENTAL ROLE IN RAISING GODLY CHILDREN: A CASE STUDY OF ASSEMBLIES OF GOD CHURCH, AWKA 1, AWKA DISTRICT, NIGERIA.

We found out through the study that many parents are hardly available for their children. However, beyond being available, what quality of leadership, mentorship and influence are we providing for our children? We must realize that it appears the world through its various platforms especially through Entertainment and Media is providing a more persuasive influence in shaping our children lives today and driving them like a herd of cattle to hell. Many children are becoming religiously worldly. Though, they are in church and can carry out most religious activities, they are far from God. 

So, how can I as a parent help to secure the eternal future of my children?

1.      You must be born again.

Only a person who is born again can raise a godly child. You can't give what you don't have. If you are an unbelieving parent or you are not sure of your salvation, you must quickly run to Jesus and be saved.

2.      You must be Baptized in the Holy Spirit

I don't know how a person without the baptism of the holy Spirit can raise a child that is heavenly minded. John.1.12 says “But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name” (KJV) Even the power to raise godly children is part of the power we receive from the Holy Spirit. Your children will receive the Holy Spirit easily when you are baptised and living a spirit controlled life.

3.      You must be transformed.

Rom.12.2 “And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” (KJV)

Only a Christian parent that has received the transformation through the renewing of mind by the Holy Spirit and the Word of God can raise a godly child. This is because the person will no longer be conforming to worldly standards but will prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. Any parent walking in the will of God will raise a godly child  because the child will be thought  how to follow God’s will and it takes a man who put God first to do God’s will.

4.      You must be the right model

You must practically demonstrate to them what constitutes Christian living. You cannot give what you don't have and you can not do one thing and tell your children to do another thinking they will not observe the contradictions. You cannot also be contradicting what is in the Bible and what is being taught in Church and expect them to take you and your faith seriously. You must provide the right model of how a  believer must live in such a way that God is first above all else. You must show them how not to love the world and the things in it; how to be committed to God and his work; how to be fervent in prayer, study of the word of God and evangelism.  In the words of Acts.1.1; “The former treatise have I made, O Theophilus, of all that Jesus began both to do and teach.”(KJV)

5.      You must teach them

You must be the number one teacher of your children before any other person. You must teach them about God and His kingdom. You must teach them the need to be committed to the advancement of God’s kingdom. You must teach them about life. You must be ready to answer their numerous questions about life or refer them to where they will get the right answers.

6.      Be among body of believers who are honest about their faith.

We must be part of a Church that is Kingdom minded and focused. An Act 2:1 church. A church that is united and bounded. A church that founded its doctrine in the scriptures, preach and do it. A true church can help parents greatly in raising godly children. However, how many of such church exist in our world today is a question for another day.

7.      Help them start their own walk with God and guide them as they grow.

We must allow our children to grow in the Lord. We must encourage them to begin and sustain a personal and  independent walk with God while we mentor them. We must help them show commitment and discipline. We must be sure they are growing and can stand on their own. We must consciously get them to give their lives to Christ. We must consciously help them get baptized in the Holy Spirit as early as possible. It is an error to watch your child grow into adulthood without being sure of their salvation and baptism in the Holy Spirit. We must watch and see their love for God grow. In prayers, study of the word and attendance to the gathering of believers. You must be sure their desire to go to church is fueled by the right reasons. If you must continue to force them to church even till adulthood, then there is a problem.

Finally, my brethren though I have recommended the seven steps above to parents, there are many more things the Holy Spirit can guide every sincere parent to do in order to secure the eternal future of their children.

 God bless you.

 Francis C. Ekwemeze 
