Choosing the Ideal Daycare.

For most parents or guardians, choosing a daycare centre is usually a herculean task if not more. This is naturally so, considering the number of heartbreaking, blood curling stories and tales told and heard of daycare facilities. I myself have had some unpleasant experience too.

Daycare centre also referred to as day nursery or creche is an institution that  supervision and care of infants and young children during the daytime, particularly so that their parents can hold jobs.

Daycare centre owners offer these services majorly to children who are not old enough to be enrolled in schools or children who are on holidays or short breaks from school.

For parents especially moms who are trying to build a career or hold a job or business, the option of a daycare facility comes in handy. 

Below are a few tips on what to look out for while choosing a daycare for your child or ward.

• A comfortable, neat and organized environment.

• A well ventilated and healthy space and environment.

• A caring stimulating environment with happy kids and staff.

• Qualified caregivers who truly care.

• Low child-to-caregivers ratio.

• Safety of the environment. (How easily accessible do the staff make the children?)

• An interesting and balanced schedule or curriculum.

• Established policies and guidelines by the staff.

There are also some safety measures you may want to ensure are in place such as:

• No choking hazards such as small toys or playthings that can break apart into small pieces.

• No pillows or fluffy bedding in cribs. Also, babies should be put to sleep on their backs.

• Ensure there are window guards or protector on windows.

• No sharp objects in sight or within reach.

Finally, when you have gotten that ideal daycare, make intentional and concerted efforts to maintain a cordial relationship with the staff. You want to be sure their heart is pure and sweet towards your Make your payments on time and try your best to pick up your child or ward on time. On days when you cannot, timeously put a call across.

Most importantly, be sure to pray and rely on God’s leading in making the very sensitive choice of a daycare.

Hope you found this article useful? Have you had unpleasant experiences with any daycare facility? I would love to hear your story. Kindly share in the comment section.

Written by Chinaza Ekwemeze
